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PrevenTech is home for leading experts in the fields of CBRN security and emergency management.  
Our solutions help governments and businesses prepare for emergencies.


Our expertise relies on years of civil service in the Israeli defense and health establishments, and we work constantly to gather the latest research, evaluate it and conclude professional solutions for the advancement of crisis management.


We particularly have an understanding of Chemical and bio-threat scenarios. This knowledge is backed by dozens of national and regional exercises and table-tops conducted in different frameworks by our experts.


We also represent a number of leading international and local CBRN defense industries. Our portfolio includes products for physical protection, diagnostics, detection, identification, safety, decontamination, and medical countermeasures.


We also lead R&D efforts for the development of new and improved products in the field of CBRN protection. These projects are funded by different organizations, including the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. For example, we have been granted funds by the U.S. government to develop a new disposable mask for biological scenarios. The prototype demonstrates excellent performance, and is now patent-pending.


PrevenTech is committed to innovation, quality of service and customer satisfaction. To arrange a confidential discussion about our products or services, please email or call.


PrevenTech is certified for an ISO9001:2008 for the following scope: Import, marketing and sale of medical and safety devices.



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