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Vaccines & Anti-serums

As a global specialty pharmaceutical company,
Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (U.S.A) offers specialized products to healthcare providers and governments to address medical needs and emerging health threats. All products are FDA-approved.

  • Anthrax Vaccine AdsorbedBioThrax - 

  • VIGIV - Vaccinia Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human)

  • BAT®  - Botulism Antitoxin Heptavalent (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)-(Equine)

  • Anthrasil - Anthrax Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human)

Medical Countermeasures
Different solutions for clinical detection, therapeutics, and medical management of casualties 

Clinical Detection

ChE Check Mobile (Securetec, Germany) - Routinely measuring the blood cholinesterase level in the field and in laboratories, this on-site device is used for in vitro diagnostic determination of cholinesterase levels in whole blood. Based on the photometric measurement, AChE and BChE activity can be measured in a user-friendly way.

Developed for military and civil purposes:
(1) Organophosphate poisoning in military conflicts and terrorist attacks;
(2) Acute pesticide poisoning with toxic agrochemicals.

Management of Casualties

The pathological bag designed by the Czech Republic Ego-Zlin is used for transportation of dead person suspected of highly contagious disease. It is biological germ proof. It is of a double layer construction to ensure tight seal and no leakage.

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